SLOTS (play)

Simply spin the slot machine.
If all 3 symbols are the same, you win coins according to the chances of spinning that combination! (Lemons = 50 coins, Grapes, Cherries, & Strawberries = 100 coins, Money Bags = 1000 coins) Otherwise, you lose ten coins.
You start with 100 coins. When you lose all your coins, you must 'buy' more.


We pick an integer number between 0 and 9999. Each time you make a guess, we will tell you if the guess was too high or too low.
If you can guess in 9 tries, you win the amount of money equivalent to the number! Otherwise, you lose 10 coins.
You start with 100 coins. When you lose all your coins, you must 'buy' more.


High Low Image credit: High Or Low. Digital image. T45 Games: Free Online Games. N.p., 2016. Web. 1 Dec. 2017.
Music Credit: Jazz and Blues Experience. “New York Jazz Lounge - Bar Jazz Classics.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, Nov 7, 2016. Web. 3 December 2017.