[OPE-L:7738] Ian Steedman's reflections on _Marx after Sraffa_

From: gerald_a_levy (gerald_a_levy@msn.com)
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 09:48:20 EDT

Written in 2002, this is a 'reflection' on _Marx after
Sraffa_ 25 years after its publication. Reference
is made to the perspectives of several listmembers.


The third part of his paper:

 "turns to a major gap in _Marx fter Sraffa_ (and in 
many other approaches), namely, the matter of 
international trade and how it affects Marx's theory".   

I would be particularly interested in any comments that 
listmembers have this section of Steedman's paper.

In solidarity, Jerry

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