[OPE-L:3868] RE: Re: Phases of Capitalist Development

From: Michael Williams (mike.williams@dmu.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 04:42:05 EDT

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Hello Alan,

Your collection looks useful. Can we have the name of the Publisher,
expected publication date and ISBN please?


Dr Michael Williams
Economics and Social Sciences
De Montfort University
Clephan Building (2.11)
The Gateway
tel: +116 2551551, #8174
[Home: +23 80768641]
fax: 0870 133 1147

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  -----Original Message-----
  From: owner-ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu
[mailto:owner-ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu]On Behalf Of Alan Zuege
  Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 10:36 PM
  To: ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu
  Subject: [OPE-L:3866] Re: Phases of Capitalist Development

  Thanks for the welcome, Jerry. I'm pleased to be joining OPE-L. Below
are the contents to the forthcoming book you mentioned:

  Booms, Crises, and Globalisations

  Notes on Contributors



  1. International Relations and Capitalist Discipline
   Kees van der Pijl

  2. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Post-Fordism
   Alain Lipietz

  3. The Disintegration of Capitalism: A Phase of Ex-Capitalist Transition
   John Bell and Thomas T. Sekine

  4. Capitalist Development in World Historical Perspective
   Giovanni Arrighi and Jason W. Moore

  5. Class Struggle and the Global Overaccumulation of Capital
   Simon Clarke

  6. The State, Globalisation, and Phases of Capitalist Development
   David M. Kotz

  7. Spiral Reversal of Capitalist Development: What Does it Imply for the
Twenty-First Century?
   Makoto Itoh

  8. Capitalism in the Future Perfect Tense
   Robert Albritton

  9. Periodising Capitalism: Technology, Institutions, and Relations of
   Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy

  10. Space, Regulation, and the Periodisation of Capitalism
   Sabah Alnasseri, Ulrich Brand, Thomas Sablowski, and Jens Winter

  11. Class, Contradiction, and the Capitalist Economy
   Stephen Resnick

  12. Has the Empire Struck Back?
   Alan Freeman

  13. Imperialist Contradictions at the Threshold of the Third Millennium: A
New Phase?
   Guglielmo Carchedi

  14. Periodising Capitalism and Analysing Imperialism: Classical Marxism
and Capitalist Evolution
   Alex Callinicos

  15. Growth and Change in the World Economy Since 1950
   Michael J. Webber and David L. Rigby

  16. Globalise, Globa-lise, Global Lies: Myths of the World Economy in the
   John Weeks

  17. What follows Fordism? On the Periodisation of Capitalism and its
   Bob Jessop

  18. Phases of Capitalism and Post-Capitalist Social Change
   Richard Westra

  Bibliography and Select Readings

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: <glevy@pratt.edu>
  To: <ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu>
  Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 10:56 AM
  Subject: [OPE-L:3859] Alan Zuege

> Alan Zuege, a member of the faculty at York University in Toronto,
Canada is our newest subscriber.
> Alan Z should be familiar to many of our listmembers. Indeed, the book
he describes below that he is editing (_Phases of Capitalist Development_)
will have chapters by current members Alan F and Makoto and former members
Dominique, Gerard and Mino.

> btw1 (to Alan Z), if you have a table of contents for your book, please
feel free to post it. I'm sure others would be interested.
> btw2 (to others), have we ever really had a discussion about phases of
capitalist development? If not, we should, imho.
> Alan Z: welcome aboard!
> In solidarity, Jerry

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