[OPE-L:4070] Re: RE: Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: m in Marx's theory

From: Paul Cockshott (clyder@gn.apc.org)
Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 15:47:57 EDT

At 11:37 12/10/00 +0100, ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu wrote:
>Paul C wrote [#4047] 
>> if c and v are random variables, log occ is then in the form
>> of a sum of random variables, and thus will have a Gaussian distribution
>	Is this by some version of the central limit theorem? Doesn't one
>need a sum of rather more variables than two to get this?

If the distribution of both is the same what you get is a normal
distribution. I was implicitly assuming that c and v would have
similar sorts of distribution to each other. 

Thinking about it more carefully, I now realise that whilst the
distribution of c and v is likely to be similar - dominated as it
is by variations in company turnover - my initial assumption
rested on c and v being independent random variables which
they clearly are not.

>	Paul, were you writing in haste here?
Yes I was.
Paul Cockshott    (clyder@gn.apc.org)

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