May 2, 2001 | EPI Issue Brief #156 What the crash means for your retirement By the end of the first quarter of 2001, the stock market bubble of the late 1990s had burst. Compared to a year earlier, the Dow Jones had dropped 10%, the S&P 500 23%, and the NASDAQ 60%. The implications for the financial wealth of households are staggering:
The impact of such a drastic decline in market value, restricted now to households with significant stock holdings, would be nearly universal under a privatized Social Security system. If the market took a substantial hit while nearly all households had a portion of their retirement funds invested in the stock market, it is extremely unlikely that a recovery would occur in time to help people anywhere close to retirement age. President Bush has convened a commission to examine reforming Social Security by allowing Americans to invest part of their payroll taxes in private retirement accounts. The recent downturn in the stock market points to the risks to future retirees of transforming Social Security from a program that insures against poverty to one that incorporates an unnecessary level of risk. The stock market and household wealth In nominal terms, the total financial assets of households decreased by 5%, or $1.7 trillion, from the end of 1999 to the end of 2000. After correcting for inflation, the decline was 8%, the largest drop since the end of 1974. At the same time that households were losing money on their financial assets, they were increasing their debt. Total financial liabilities of households rose by $600 billion in 2000, a 9% nominal increase over the year before. With assets falling and liabilities rising, the financial wealth of households fell substantially. In nominal terms, the drop totaled $2.3 trillion, or 8%, between the end of 1999 and the end of 2000; in real terms financial wealth dropped $1.9 trillion, or 11%. In absolute terms, these are the largest declines since World War II; in relative terms, these are still the biggest drops since the end of 1974. The implications for retirement wealth Financial wealth relative to personal disposable income declined significantly in 2000. By the end of the year, the net worth of households was equal to 369% of their personal disposable income, the same as in the third quarter of 1998. In other words, the stock market declines in the latter part of 2000 eliminated all of the gains of the previous year and a half, during which time the stock market grew well above average. Fluctuations in the stock market are an inherent part of risky equity investments. Because equities are riskier than other investments, investors are supposed to be rewarded for holding riskier assets. How long will it take households to recover the losses in their financial wealth if the stock market begins to grow again? Assuming that personal disposable income remains at its current level of 70% of gross domestic product, that GDP grows at 3% above inflation, that inflation averages 3%, and that total financial net worth of households increases at an annual rate of 3.5%, then raising the financial wealth of households to 380% of personal disposable income will take about six years, to 390% will take almost 12 years, and to 423% (the level of the first quarter of 2001) about 28 years. Even these dire projections for recovery assume that financial net worth rises faster relative to personal disposable income than it has in the past. Historically, it has taken quite some time for households to recover their wealth positions after the stock market declined. For example, the financial wealth of households relative to their personal disposable income declined from a high of 294% at the end of 1972 to a low of 229% by the end of 1974. It took more than 20 years (until the third quarter of 1995) for households to return to a level above 294%. Conclusion For a printer-friendly version of this
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