Probably most of the members of the list are aware of the expansion that marxism experienced in Japan before World War II. After the war and until very recently about half of the teachers in economics in the japanese universities are said to have been Marxists. More about this can be found in Bottomore's "A dictionary of marxist thought", under Japanese Marxism, I guess (I don't have the English edition). Claus Germer Departamento de Economia Curso de Mestrado e Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Econ�mico Universidade Federal do Parana Rua Dr. Faivre, 405 - 3� andar 80060-140 Curitiba - Parana Brasil Tel: 55 (41) 360-5214 - Univ. 55 (41) 254-3415 - Res. (Home) ----- Original Message ----- From: Christopher Arthur <> To: <> Cc: <> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:09 PM Subject: [OPE-L:6459] Re: Re: Re: How taking a class in Marx and/orMarxian economics is valuable for business students > For peculiar historical reasons Japanese students after the war were taught > both Marxism and neo-classical economics. I well remember a few years' back > when the Japanese built a car factory in UK complete with pseudo-democratic > managment style with managers eating with workers etc. an incredulous > interviewer asked about this and the manager replied 'We all know that > value is created on the shop floor". > Chris > > 17 Bristol Road, Brighton, BN2 1AP, England > >
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