[OPE-L:6498] Re: Re: Re: Another request for feedback

From: Gil Skillman (gskillman@MAIL.WESLEYAN.EDU)
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 11:24:22 EST

Thanks very much, Chris.  Gil

>Dear Gill
>There will be some remarks in The Culmination of Capital eds M. Campbell
>and G. Reuten (Palgrave) out about now
>There will also be some papers in Studies in Marxism - available soon (info
>from C.M.Cowling@tees.ac.uk) I think it includes the Hecker reference
>below. I'll check.
>Much later: I discovred it is called  Engelsí
>Interpretation of Marxís Economic Theory.
>For Example on Engelsí Edition of Marxís CAPITAL
>Concerning the Edition of the New MARX-ENGELS
>PS. Of course my old piece in Engels Today: A Centenary Appreciation
>(Macmillan/St. Martin's remains valid. It takes much the same line as
>>You have:
>>Heinrich M. [1996-97] Engels' Editon of the Third Volume of Capital and
>>Marx's Original Manuscript, SCIENCE & SOCIETY, 60:4.
>>Hecker R. [1997] On the Third Volume of Das Kapital and Engels'
>>Interpretation of the "Simple Production of Commodities", Socialist
>>Scholars Conference, New York.
>>There is a whole number of the Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung -- Neue
>>Folge devoted to the issue: Engels' Druckfassung versus Marx' Manuskripte
>>zum III. Buch des 'Kapital', 1995.
>>My own article in IJPE 1998-99 is a critique of Engels' editing job of Ch.
>>9 of that Volume.
>>At 13:56 15/01/02 -0500, you wrote:
>>>Could someone give me the citation for the more-or-less recently published
>>>critique of Engels' editing job on Volume III of Capital?  I've lost it to
>>>the effects of disk corruption.  Thanks in advance, Gil
>17 Bristol Road, Brighton, BN2 1AP, England

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