[OPE-L:6674] RE: *Internal Discussion Document Available*

From: Mongiovi Gary (mongiovg@stjohns.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 09:43:34 EST

Jerry: my curiosity is piqued! Can you forward the message to me.



-----Original Message-----
From:	gerald_a_levy [SMTP:gerald_a_levy@msn.com]
Sent:	Friday, March 08, 2002 7:49 AM
To:	ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu
Subject:	[OPE-L:6672] *Internal  Discussion Document Available* 

I received what I view as an extremely important document
for the list.  It was sent to me by mistake by a listmember
but since the author went on to write  that I  *could* make it 
available to the list ("You can do what you like with it as far 
as I'm concerned because there is nothing in it I wouldn't 
repeat in public if asked")  I have decided  to do so.  To satisfy 
a concern of the author I will delete the names  and e-mail 
addresses of the 3 other listmembers to  whom his message 
was sent. Also, I will advise listmembers now  that the intended 
recipient  of his e-mail can not be held responsible for  the 
malicious statements and  *threats against the list* by  the 
author and his clique.  However, in the best interests of the list, I 
have  decided to make this document available to each listmember 
*off-list*:   i.e.  if you wish to view this document -- which I  
strongly encourage -- then I will forward it to you *upon request*.

In solidarity, Jerry

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