[OPE-L:6682] Re: Re: RE: Re: Imperialism

From: Alejandro Valle Baeza (valle@servidor.unam.mx)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 05:34:16 EST

I agree with Alfredo about the convinence and importance
of discussing economic dimension of imperialism.  I suggest one inicial point:

Are there recent developments on "unequal exchange"or any other import economic issue related to imperialism?
I will send my self some references to ope-l soon.

Saludos a todos

Alejandro Valle Baeza

Asfilho@aol.com wrote:
I agree with Julian that we ought to search for an *economic* dimension of imperialism. This is an urgent task. Anwar Shaikh has made very important contributions to the critique of neoclassical trade theory, and perhaps his analysis can contribute to the development of a theory of unequal exchange that avoids the critiques commonly raised against Emmanuel's work.

Unequal exchange and imperialism are topics that we must face. Politically they are immensely important.

I do not have an answer to these questions. But perhaps we can think together about this.

By the way, a friend reminded me yesterday that this is the 100th anniversary of the publication of Hobson's "Imperialism".


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