I am not sure what John is tying to say re 'love' but perhaps a quote from Che Guevara - who studied Capital in great depth - would help here. 'A true revolutionary is motivated by deep feelings of love' If anyone would like a T-shirt Front: Che Guevara and the words 'Viva Cuba', Back: 'A true revolutionary is motivated by deep feelings of love'. Available in XL,L,M and S for �7 write (add exchange costs from outside UK or pay in sterling cheque etc) to Rock around the Blockade, c/o FRFI BCM Box 5909, London WC1N 3XX. E-mail boycottbacardiuk@yahoo.co.uk and website www.boycottbacardi.co.uk or www.rcgfrfi.easynet.co.uk for further information. How about it John! Sorry about the advert! David Yaffe At 12:16 03/04/02 -0600, John Holloway wrote: >Dear all, > > Nicky says: "Love is an extremely powerful and revolutionary idea, but >how to take it >into the economics discourse in a meaningful way? How would you do it >John?" > > I think my answer would be that it is impossible to take "love" into >economic discourse, precisely because, as Jerry points out, the categories >of economics ("Marxist" or otherwise) - value, capital, money etc - are >constructed on the negation of love. This is surely why, as David Y. points >out, it does not make sense to speak of Marxist economics but only of a >Marxist critique of economics (or political economy, or anything else for >that matter). > > David says: "Nevertheless as materialists we must understand the >pressures of work in an academic environment is not conducive to a >revolutionary perspective...." > I agree. But the problem for all of us who live in a capitalist society >(whether we work in a university or not) is how we live in-and-against, how >we criticise theoretically-practically, in other words.
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