[OPE-L:8035] Re: Books in Socialist and Marxist Economics

From: Alejandro Valle Baeza (valle@servidor.unam.mx)
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 05:35:25 EST


Jerry, I think  the list is too short and in many cases includes bad or not
good books. Diego Guerrero has the idea for producing a list of 100 Marxian
books  with commentaries. However the site is excellent. it is very  good
guide for unconventional teaching of orthodox economics.  I think will be
very useful to take teaching  Marxist topics as seriously as this site does
with ortodox  economics. By example, the Handbook for Economics Lecturers
should be witen in an heterodox  version.



gerald_a_levy wrote:
What do you think of the following listing? Anything missing?
One good thing about the above is that it includes ISBN numbers
and links to publishers for ordering.
You might find other useful materials at the main site:
In solidarity, Jerry

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