[OPE-L:8066] Re: Re: Heisenberg, Marx and the uncertainty principle

From: Paul Cockshott (paul@cockshott.com)
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 17:50:14 EST

gerald_a_levy wrote:

> Re Paul C's [8038]:
> > *  In particular, could the HUP have application when examining
> > the systematic connections between a mode of production and
> > (non-human) nature?
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > No. To think that it does is to fall for the most vulgar
> > idealist interpretations of quantum mechanics
> Oh my -- well I certainly wouldn't want to do that.
> I see the HUP as just one of a number of  perspectives in the natural
> sciences related to uncertainty and indeterminacy that might have
> extensions for comprehending the present mode of production.
> E.g. chaos theory, complexity theory,  and the theory of relativity.
> As suggested by  a previous post,  uncertainty is a characteristic and
> necessary feature of  the value  process and the production and circulation
> of  surplus value and capital.  Hence it seems reasonable  to ask whether
> postulates concerning uncertainty in other disciplines have relevance for
> comprehending a specific social system that is characterized by uncertainty.

Yes but the uncertainty in economics is classical rather than quantum
and the relevant branch of physics is statistical rather than quantum mechanics

> As I understand it, you also take a principle from physics -- laws of
> thermodynamics -- and attempt to develop extensions related to
> political economy. Isn't that right?

Yes I follow Farjoun and Machover in this.

> In solidarity, Jerry

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