[OPE-L:8665] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: probabilistic approaches to the theory of value and philosophy

From: clyder@gn.apc.org
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 10:10:08 EST

Quoting Phil Dunn <pscumnud@dircon.co.uk>: 
> I call the ratio of l' to n' the valorisation ratio.   It is a random 
> variable.  There are more details in my paper _On the Identity 
> of Labour and Value_  on my web site: 
> www.pscumnud.users.dircon.co.uk 
When I try accessing this I get the message that I dont 
have permission to access the server. Are you sure 
that it is an internet not an intra-net server? 

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