From: michael a. lebowitz (mlebowit@SFU.CA)
Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 18:07:17 EST
Dear Friends and Comrades, I have pasted below the invitation to attend the 2nd Marx Conference in Havana in May 2004. For those who attended this year's conference, let me call your attention to some significant changes. Whereas this year's conference was organised on a shoe-string basis and began at the facilities of the Cuban Workers Federation and subsequently shifted to the Palace of Conventions (where only plenary session were possible at that point), next year's conference will take place entirely at the Palace of Conventions. Following the successful format of the annual Globalisation Conference in Havana, the Marx conference will have 4 commission sessions (all with simultaneous translation) occurring in the mornings. Afternoons will be set aside for plenary panels; as the closing time will be flexible, in the event of extraordinary interventions in the plenaries, it will not produce havoc with the presentation schedule. Further, arrangements for translations both at the conference and in advance are well in hand. Another change you will see in the invitation below is that the length of papers to be presented is severely limited to 10 pages. This-- together with advance translation (much easier with short papers)-- is intended to permit far more interaction and discussion, which was a desire on the part of almost all participants this year. I think those are the main changes. Again, participants will be invited to be there for the May Day ceremonies, and there will be seminars focusing on Cuba in the days before the Conference. Finally, if you have any questions about the conference at all, please contact Jesus Garcia Brigos, coordinator of the Academic Committee (address noted below)--- ie., not me. Please circulate this to all lists that may be relevant. Thank you, and I hope to see you next year in Havana. in solidarity, michael ------------------------------ Second International Conference Marxism and the challenges of the 21st century Second notification The permanent workshop 'Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century', established by the Philosophy Institute of Cuba's Ministry of Science, Technology & the Environment, announces the Second International Conference on Marxism and the challenges of the 21st century, to be held in Havana on 4th-8th May, 2004. All those interested in analyzing the basis of the current world order and finding ways of achieving its progressivist replacement, thereby contributing to a strengthening of early 21st-century revolutionary thought, are invited to attend. The Conference marks the 20th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy's foundation, the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution and the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC). Conference's sponsors (in alphabetical order): - Cuban Society for Philosophic Research - Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) - Department of Marxist-Leninism and history at the Ministry of Education. - Department of Marxist-Leninism at the Ministry of Higher Education - Empresa de Servicios de Traducci�n y Interpretaci�n - Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology & History, University of Havana - Higher Council of Social Sciences (Cuba) - Higher Institute of Art (Ministry of Culture) - Higher Institute of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - Juan F Noyala Centre for Economic & Planning Studies (Ministry of Economics & Planning) - Latin America Popular Memory Research Group (MEPLA) - Latin American Council for the Social Sciences (CLACSO) - 'Madres de la Playa de Mayo' University, Argentina - Martian studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Martianos) - National Association of Economists & Accountants (ANEC) - �ico L�pez College (Cuban Communist Party) - 'Pasado y Presente XXI' Centre - Social Sciences Council of the Ministry of Science, Technology & the Environment - Sociedad Econ�mica de Amigos del Pa�s The event will build on work based on the guidelines approved for the permanent workshop 'Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century', which are also the subject areas proposed for the Conference: 1. The reality and contradictions of today's capitalism. Their social, political, ideological and cultural impact on society 2. The social actors and the forms of revolutionary struggle generated within capitalism's system of multiple domination 3. Limits and contradictions of socialist experience during the 20th century: new theoretical developments for the improvement of the emancipator paradigm. Drawing on the results of the working sessions in May 2003, as the central theme for this debating and proposal-generating meeting of social activists, politicians and scientists, we propose the following: "Class and revolutionary power: theory and practice". Applications to attend the Conference are now being received at the offices of the Organizing Committee. Prospective speakers should send their papers, together with an abstract , by 31st January 2004. Papers should be no longer than 10 sides, Letter or A4 size, 12-point and double spaced. Synopses should adopt the same formatting and not exceed a page in length. The relevant files must be Microsoft Word 6 or higher, and sent on diskette or via E-mail. All papers received will be published in advance of the event, in the Conference websites (Cuba Siglo XXI and Portal de Filosof�a Cubana), unless the author specifically requests otherwise. The Conference's working languages will be Spanish and English. The working sessions in the Havana International Conference Centre (Palacio de las Convenciones) during 4th-8th May will take the form of committee meetings in the mornings and plenary sessions in the afternoons. Presentations of papers to committees will be restricted to 10 minutes, to maximize discussion time. The plenary sessions will be dedicated to the central theme of the conference and will be based on interactive panels. The four committees will respectively address: 1. Capitalism, imperialism and globalization: current limits and contradictions 2. Class and revolutionary power: experience, present challenges and proposals 3. Socialism and communism in today's world 4. Marxist thinking and human development. Issues planned for debate at the working sessions include: Communist revolution and human emancipation: � Need, possibilities and realities, near-future and strategic � The subject of revolution in the context of the new world order � Classes in the revolutionary subject � Vanguard-party-classes-social movements-the masses. The proletariat in today's world � The unions and neoliberal globalization � The world of labour, social movements and power in contemporary capitalist states � The union movement and building socialism. State and economy under present world conditions � Nation state, global state and neoliberal non-state � New multinational powers � International institutions � State intervention and antitrust policies in relation to production and technological incentives � The capitalist accumulation model under the present conditions of globalization: contradictions and perspectives. Underdevelopment and capitalism � Periphery-centre relations � Third World and hegemonic influences on development � State terrorism against the peoples of the so-called Third World. United States, Zionism: Palestine and the peoples of the Middle East � The South within the North � "Modernity" and underdevelopment. Globalization and sustainable human development � New technologies as a means of domination and as a means of emancipation: civilization and sense of humanity � Man-nature contradiction � Global and demographic environmental problems and their impact on contemporary society � The rapid pace of the scientific-technical revolution and the notion of a "knowledge-based society"; implications for various aspects of the natural reproductive and socio-economic cycle at world level � The hegemonic global imperialism crisis, militarism and war. Latin America and the Caribbean: the FTAA, the United States of America and recolonization � Latin America and the Caribbean - integration versus ultimate disintegration. Property and social development � Cooperativism vs. Capital � Socialist ownership � The individual and ownership under communist transformation. Those attendees wishing to do so will be able to participate in the traditional Mayday celebrations and in meetings the following day with Cuban and foreign trade unionists, to be attended by the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), while interactive sessions on "Cuba in the 21st century - socialism, politics and economics" will be held on 3rd May. These latter sessions will be attended by distinguished Cuban specialists in the subjects under discussion. Those interested should notify the Organizing Committee accordingly by 30th March 2004. The conference fee is US $100 for speakers and other participants except students; the student fee is $50. The corresponding fees for Cuban participants are 80 pesos and 50 pesos respectively. Travel to and accommodation in Cuba, including transfers between the various conference activities, can be arranged with Rumbos, the event's official tour operator (E-mail: Those interested in attending or in the Permanent Workshop's activities generally can keep abreast of developments by visiting the Cuba Siglo XXI website ( and the Cuban philosophy portal ( We shall be working to achieve the widest possible attendance from among those interested in bringing about a better world - which is not only possible, but essential to the very existence of mankind. Permanent workshop 'Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century' Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Dr Romelia Pino Freyre, Director of the Institute of Philosophy. E-mail: General Coordinator: Roberto Lima Ferrer. E-mail: Coordinator of the Academic Committee: Dr Jes�s Pastor Garc�a Brigos E-mail:;; Nchamach Miller, Members of the Academic Committee (in alphabetical order of surname): Cuba: Dr Esther Aguilera, Dr Rafael Alhama Belamaric, Dr Talia Fung River�n, Dr Carmen G�mez Garc�a, Dr Norma G�lvez, Marta Harnecker, Dario Machado, Lu�s Marcelo Yera Dr Ernesto Molina Molina, Dr Isabel Monal, Hayd�e Montes, Dr Concepci�n Nieves; Dr Hugo Pons, Dr Rigoberto Pupo, Isabel Rauber, Daysi Rivero Alvisa, Dr Ram�n S�nchez Noda, Dr Jorge Lu�s Santana, Lu�s Suarez, Prof. Ra�l Vald�s Viv�. International Academic Committee: Prof. Robert Albritton, Canada; Luciano Alzaga, Sweden; Prof. Samir Amin, Senegal; Prof. Atilio Bor�n, Argentina; Dr Alexander Buzgalin, Russia; Prof. Al Campbell, USA; Prof. Ken Cole, UK; Prof. Theotonio Dos Santos, Brazil; Prof. Georges Labica, France; Prof. Lau Kin Chi, Hong Kong; Prof. N�stor Kohan, Argentina; Professor Emeritus Michael Lebowitz, Canada; Professor Emeritus Istv�n Mesz�r�s, UK; Nchamach Miller, Colombia. --------------------- Michael A. Lebowitz Professor Emeritus Economics Department Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 Office Fax: (604) 291-5944 Home: Phone (604) 689-9510
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