Re: Carchedi's TSS approach

From: Paul Cockshott (clyder@GN.APC.ORG)
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 13:39:42 EST

> >Then Carchedi "transforms" his "values" into his "prices" in
> >such a way that this condition does not hold.
> No the conditions of D=S and intersectoral equalization of rate of
> profit are assumed to hold in that one time subscripted period in
> Carchedi's determination of production prices.
> Ernesto, I don't think you are addressing TSS reasons for claiming
> that the bourgeois notions of prices as long term equilibrium, center
> of gravity points has been conflated with Marx's idea of price of
> production which need not have said equilibrium property to be
> distinguishable from market price.

This would have some conviction if they presented a dynamic
model with differential equations but they do not.

I have yet to see a dynamic model in the true sense of the
word from the TSS people: ie, one which will operate algorithmically
to produce their numerical results.

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