Re: (OPE-L) accumulation and de-accumulation of capital?

From: Francisco Paulo Cipolla (cipolla@UFPR.BR)
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 15:24:44 EDT

But isn�t capital accumulation that cannot produce additional surplus value
an interesting case from the point of view of an analysis of the limits of
What you describe would be such a case!

Paul Zarembka wrote:

> > Finally a point directet to Zarembka: I wonder why we can�t consider a
> > situation in which there augmentation of means of production whitout
> > increasing the labor force as Accumulation of Capital? After all it is
> > still conversion of surplus value into additional capital, except that
> > due to a combination of slow growth and rapid increase in technical
> > composition the labor force stay the same or even contracts in number.
> > Paulo
> Paulo, If the same hours of labor power is engaged, the same value is
> produced.  If real wages is constant and there is no production of
> relative surplus value, then surplus value also hasn't changed.  If
> there is, however, production of relative surplus value, so that s/v
> rises, then we call it 'production of relative surplus value'.  To ALSO
> call the latter 'accumulation of capital' only leads to confusions. Paul

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