Re: (OPE-L) Re: how simple is too simple?

From: Ian Wright (iwright@GMAIL.COM)
Date: Sat Jun 12 2004 - 12:19:46 EDT


> Ellipses and circles can be rigorously and consistently
> defined and comprehended.  "Production" without (produced)
> means of production posits a situation like Ajit suggested --
> silver pickers on a beach (where the silver can be picked up by
> hand without requiring any implements).  Even without a
> division of labour -- even Robinson Crusoe! --  required means
> of production.  After all, even Robinson Crusoe was a 'tool-making
> animal'.

This makes no sense Jerry -- on what grounds can you maintain that a
"circles can be rigorously and consistently defined and comprehended"
and yet a simple production structure with labour as the only input
cannot? There mere fact we can both comprehend silver (and k-1 other
things) pickers on a beach makes it comprehensible. It could also
refer to an economic experiment in the laboratory. It could also refer
to a simple artificial market on the internet, say distributed
processors bidding for jobs. It could also refer to k consumer
commodities, abstracting from the indirect production processes. You
are indulging in wordplay here.

> I have no problem with your attempting to present a simplified case
> of the MELT.  You should expect, though, that collaborative thinking
> -- whether on the Internet or anywhere else --  involves critical feedback
> (unless it is 'brainstorming' whereby participants agree to, at least
> initially, not be critical of each others' ideas).

This is patronising, and doesn't add anything.

> In any event, the issue of how we list commodity types is quite
> different from a model type I was suggesting was inadequate
> for representing, even in simplified form, the subject matter of
> capitalism - a one-commodity model, like a "corn model."

My "model" was a k-commodity model of market exchanges, if you'd been
paying attention.

Hrmph ... you've managed to irritate me ... for the first time on
OPE-L. It had to happen sometime.

Enjoy your holidays !


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