[OPE-L] Marxists Internet Archive [MIA] on DVD

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 08:53:10 EDT

Note that the link below (as indicated) hasn't yet been updated.  So, try
checking-back in a few days.

> The Marxists Internet Archive is now offering the ENTIRE contents of
> the MIA on 1 DVD, 4 gigs of data/photos/mp3s, etc, everything ever
> added to the MIA rightup through May of this year. The link for this
> will appear on the CD/DVD page at:
> http://www.marxists.org/admin/cd/index.htm in a few days. We will also
> be re-starting up distribution of our 5 set CD collection.

I don't think it would be too much of an exaggeration to say this is like
having a library on a single DVD.

In solidarity, Jerry

PS: in the same message, there was the following.  While it's a bit
off-topic for us, Radek's account of the train ride is quite interesting:

> http://marxists.org/archive/radek/index.htm
> 22 May, 2005: Added to the Karl Radek Internet Archive:
> Through Germany in the Sealed Coach, 1924 (Account of the Lenin’s
> journey through Germany by a fellow passenger. This is the first time
> it has ever been published in English.)
> [Thanks to Ian Birchall]

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