Re: [OPE-L] The New European Anti-Globalization Movement?

From: Suzanne de Brunhoff (
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 07:44:03 EDT

In France  campaigns for the "no" were very different. The left one rejected
the neo-liberal Europe, and asked for another Europe. 72% of voters who said
"no" wanted "more Europe".
Now resistance  to  neo-iberalism goes on, against new   measures of the
right government who, like business organization, supported the
"yes".However it is necessary to discuss what could be another Europe.With
other Left Europeans, and with French left people who voted "yes". A long
way, a hard one. This is politics..

Dear Jerry, have a good summer on your boat.
Best wishes

----- Original Message -----
From: <Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [OPE-L] The New European Anti-Globalization Movement?

> > Neither nationalism or racism among most of the French leftist who said
> > to the European Constitution .  [...]
> > Sorry to disagree with you, dear Jerry.
> Dear Suzanne:
> I'm very happy to hear from you.  Thank you for sharing your perspective
> on the "No" vote.  A small point of clarification, however: I did not
> that racism and nationalism was the motivation of French _leftists_ who
> voted
> against the EU Constitution.  Rather, it seems to be a factor behind the
> French and Dutch right-wing which also -- to a significant extent --
> campaigned  for a "No" vote.  I was simply making the point that in
> explaining why a "No" vote should have been supported,  one should
> publicly disassociate one's position from the reactionaries who also
> campaigned for a "No".    Is that a controversial point?
> In solidarity, Jerry

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