Re: [OPE-L] Jacques Gouverneur, last textbook

Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 09:13:20 EDT

I made a mistake in the spelling of Jacques's last name in the message
I forwarded on Friday, for which I apologize.  I am re-sending the
message again, this time with his name spelled correctly, so it will
appear if someone does an Internet search using his name.

In solidarity, Jerry

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jacques GOUVERNEUR" <>
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:28 AM
> Subject: last textbook
> Dear Jerry,
> 1) I am very grateful to you for announcing my book on OPE-L in
> January and February  2005. I have no doubt that by so doing you
> contributed a great deal to the  spreading of my textbook in three
> languages. In the course of 2005, the French versions were downloaded
> 713 times, the Spanish versions some 400 times, the English versions
> 940 times.
> However, I am somewhat surprised by the fact that "The Foundations of
> Capitalist Economy" (A5 size) was much less visited and downloaded
> than "Understanding the Economy" (A4 size) : the respective figures
> are 491 visits  and 295 dowloadings for "The Foundations..."(A5),
> against 1249 visits and 645 downloadings for "Understanding..."(A4).
> (In the case of the French and Spanish texts, there is no such
> difference between the A4 and A5 versions.) I personally prefer the
> A5 versions, due to their foreword on the present-day relevance of
> Marxism and their bibliography (both omitted in the A4 versions).
> The larger spreading of "Understanding the Economy"(A4) compared to
> "The Foundations of Capitalist Economy"(A5) might be partly due to
> your second message on January 31, 2005 (at 11:45), which read as
> follows : "Please click here to have instant access to information
> that could be of interest for you, from the online scientific
> bookshop,  Or:". That
> message of yours failed to mention the A5 English version (as well as
> the two French and Spanish versions). May I suggest that on some
> future opportunity you mention all the relevant URL's? These are :
> - size A5
> "The Foundations of Capitalist Economy"  : <
> a5economy>
> "Les fondements de l’économie capitaliste"  : <
> doc/a5economie>
> "Los fundamentos de la economía capitalista" : <
> doc/a5economia>
> - size A4
> "Understanding the Economy"  : <>
> "Comprendre l’économie"   : <>
> "Comprender la economía"  : <>
> 2) Another little problem. Your first message on January 31, 2005 (at
> 8:20) rightfully included my attached circular letter (in three
> languages) describing the book. That letter gave the six URL's which
> in principle should have provided direct access to the relevant pages
> of the  website <>. Unfortunately, most of the hypertext
> links were not established properly, which impeded direct access
> (hence the problem raised by some people, who found it difficult to
> reach the text). In the letter I am attaching to this e-mail
> ("J.Gouverneur, MARX ECON 2005.doc"), the hypertext links concerning
> the URL's are  properly reestablished. Thank you very much for
> circulating it as  widely as possible!
> 3) It goes without saying that I remain open to any critical comment
> on my textbook. However, having given up all research activities and
> facing persistent  intellectual tiredness, I am not sure I could
> still actively take part in any debate on the topics raised in the
> book. The latter is thus a sort of testament.  I am attaching another
> document ("JG, final textbook, pedagogy and theory.doc") which
> summarizes what I consider to be its distinguishing features, both
> from a pedagogical and a theoretical point of view. As far as theory
> and empirical research are concerned, special attention should be
> devoted, in my opinion, to the non-conventional views on the
> relations between wage and value of labour-power (appendix 5), on the
> question of productive or unproductive labour (appendix 6) and on the
> question of more productive, more intensive or more skilled labour
> (appendix 7). Moreover, the calculation of  aggregate revenue
> suggested in appendix 2 (which is based on the non-conventional views
> of appendices 6 and 7) could lead to renewed conclusions regarding
> the achievements and potential for growth of capitalist economy.
> Yours sincerely,
> Jacques

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