Re: [OPE-L] Poetry

From: Ernesto Screpanti (screpanti@UNISI.IT)
Date: Thu Jun 08 2006 - 04:02:33 EDT

I have just published a book of poems:

Andrea T. Dalfrano, Divina farsa, MEF, Florence 2006, 10 Euro

There is irony, self-irony, deconstruction, love, communism and revolution, 
and much more. It is written in Italian. Dalfrano is a nom de plume of 
Ernesto Screpanti.
You can buy the book at


In solidarity


At 19.37 07/06/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone on the list, in addition to Cyrus, write poetry?
>In solidarity, Jerry
>      Weekend Edition
>       June 3 / 4, 2006
>       The Caged Bird and the Attorney General
>       By CYRUS BINA
>       A half-digested ration in the belly,
>       A half-broken body on the bone,
>       A half-beaten word on the beak-
>       The caged-bird is a mere half,
>       The birdcage is the other half.
>       We need to ask Mr. Darwin:
>       Is this mutation?
>       Is this mutation?
>       A crowd of excited primates in the wild act: "We Support Our Troops!"
>       A row of bumper stickers in a plush neighborhood react: "We Support
>Our Troops!"
>       Oops!!
>       Hello, Mr. Darwin!
>       Is this evolution?
>       Is this evolution?
>       * * *
>       The cage is the melody,
>       The bird is the echo,
>       Now, music is our foe!
>       The cage is the verse,
>       The bird is the voice,
>       Now, poetry is our foe!
>       The cage is the face,
>       The bird is the mirror,
>       Now, beauty is our foe!
>       We lashed the Earth,
>       We thrashed the Heaven: - (we put mouth in God's words),
>       We faked the freaking facts-big time.
>       Now, God is our foe!
>       Do we need a Mr. Einstein or a Mr. G�del
>       To measure the void and disgrace?
>       We feed the cage,
>       The cage feeds the bird-365-24-7
>       In Abu Ghraib or Camp X-ray or who knows where;
>       And liberty is made the battered wife of cowardice at home
>       Where the heart is wiretapped, the mind is wiretapped -
>       dignity is wiretapped:
>       - (They search the heart to seize the love;
>       They ban the thought to bar the mind;
>       They hack the soul to halt the body!) -
>       They kill the goose that lay the golden egg!
>       Do we need a Mr. Homer or a Mr. Shakespeare
>       To recount the tragedy?
>       * * *
>       A half-rationed meal in the belly,
>       A half-shaken pride in the bone,
>       A half-naked pledge on the beak,
>       And enough rage packed in the chest for the Day of Judgment.
>       - (Here the bird wilts without the sky,
>       There the sky withers without the bird.) -
>       The bird has no currency, no credit, no clue, no conviction;
>       The bird doesn't read the lies or the truths or the trivia in
>       the New York Times;
>       The bird has no pretense, no defense, no constitutional protection.
>       * * *
>       "ALL RISE!!"-A commanding voice orders through the loudspeaker:
>       And ALL is the bird-sad, silent, and solitary!
>       - Standing before the judge and the Attorney General
>       In an off-the-sight, off-the-mind, off-the-shelf rendition of
>       justice.
>       "Is the bird oblivious as to the cause of her confinement?"
>       -The judge asks nervously;
>       "Your Honor:-we certainly hope so;"
>       "Your Honor:-we think this alone should be enough for indictment,"
>       Replies jolly-good, smelling-blood Herr von Attorney General!
>       The case was closed,
>       The cage was grabbed, Abu-Ghraib-ed, and bulldozed,
>       The bird was nabbed from memory,
>       The sky is vanished six feet under,
>       The birds didn't surrender!
>       The birds didn't surrender!
>       Cyrus Bina is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and
>Management at the University of Minnesota at Morris. Email:

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