Re: [OPE-L] Imperialism, from list to list

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: Wed Dec 06 2006 - 10:45:04 EST

Where did you get this from Loren, Jerry?  Actually, he wrote later that
he rather agreed with me on 'primitive accumulation' being only for the
historical period of the initial rise of capitalism.

Paul Z.

THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF 9-11-2001   --"a benchmark in 9/11 research", review
Volume 23 (2006), RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY, P. Zarembka, ed, Elsevier

On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Jerry Levy wrote:

> [AUT] Imperialism, from list to listWho was the first person after Marx who suggested
> the following definition and understandings of primitive
> accumulation of capital?  Paul Z: do you know?
> In solidarity, Jerry
> ===================================
> [Loren Goldner wrote:]
> Primitive accumulation
> means accumulation that violates the capitalist law of
> value, i.e. non-exchange of equivalents.
> processes. When Western capital sucks Third World
> labor power whose costs of reproduction it did not pay
> for into the world division of labor, whether in
> Indonesia or in Los Angeles, that's primitive
> accumulation. when capital loots the natural
> environment and does not pay the replacement costs for
> that damage, that's primitive accumulation. When
> capital runs capital plant and infrastructure into the
> ground (the story of much of the U.S. economy since
> the 1960's) that's primitive accumulation. When
> capital pays workers non-reproductive wages, that's
> primitive accumulation too.

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