[OPE-L] Ocean Sur books on Vzla

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Mon Dec 18 2006 - 06:21:09 EST

---------------------- Original Message --------------------------
Subject: A new Spanish language editorial project -- Ocean Sur -- launches
new books on Venezuela
From:    "Info" <info@oceanbooks.com.au>
Date:    Mon, December 18, 2006 2:02 am

DATE: December 18, 2006

FROM: Ocean Press


Ocean Sur, a new Spanish language editorial project, was launched at the

recent International Bookfair of Venezuela (FILVEN) as reported in Cuba's

Granma:  <http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2006/11/18/cultura/artic01.html>

Ocean Sur is a sister publishing company of Ocean Press, an independent and

well-respected publisher that has played an important role in making

available voices from Latin America for Latin America (in English and

Spanish). Three important new books on Venezuela have been published as part

of this new Ocean Sur project.


Fidel Castro

A selection of Fidel's speeches, letters and interventions on Venezuela,

beginning with his first visit in January 1959


POR QUE SOY CHAVISTA: Razones de una revolución

Farucco Sesto

This is a significantly expanded edition of a book by Venezuela's minister

for culture



Hugo Chavez

Includes Chavez's speeches at Porto Alegre in 2005 and at the UN September



Already published and available are two other books:


Reflexiones y debates

German Sanchez (Cuba's ambassador to Venezuela)


This book will be published in English in early 2007.

CHAVEZ: Un Hombre que anda por Ahi

Una entrevista con Hugo Chavez por Aleida Guevara

(This title is also available in English)


Aleida Guevara's interview with Hugo Chavez is also available as DVD

documentary: CHAVEZ: An Interview with Hugo Chavez by Aleida Guevara


For further information or desk copy requests:

Ocean Press

E-mail: info@oceanbooks.com.au


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