Re: [OPE-L] " Sycophants, Shills, PSFs and Others in Support of 21st Century Fascism"

From: Jerry Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Fri Jan 26 2007 - 20:02:58 EST - Sycophants, Shills and OtherAllin:

I just tried the link again: it works.

The following is a copy of the page but won't be readable on some computers.
I can send the text but the graphics are priceless. 

In solidarity, Jerry



                        21st CENTURY FASCISM

                        After years of adulation it must be hard for many of those below to accept without
                        anesthesia that Mr. Chávez is "straying from [his] mandate." What is going on in Caracas
                        is not a question of overstepping boundaries, but one of ignoring the meaning and
                        practices of democracy – which is the trademark of Mr. Chávez's eight years of
                        mismanagement. Our advice to those below is to forget about Venezuela for a while
                        as it will be almost impossible to hide from their years of blatant pandering.

                              21st Century Socialism – Comrade Calvin Tucker, co-editor [UK] 
                              Americans for Chávez – Denver 
                              Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN) – Comrades Roberto Jorquera and Lara Pullin 
                              Axis of Logic – Les Blough [Boston] 
                              BoRev.Net – New disinfo blog with ties to CEPR (run by Eric Wingerter?) 
                              Caracas Connect – Comrade Sarah Stephens [DC] 
                              Center for Economic & Policy Research (CEPR) – Jeremy Bigwood and Mark Weisbrot [DC] 
                              Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) – Larry Birns [DC] 
                              Cowboy in Caracas – Charles Hardy [Ccs] 
                              Daniel Hellinger – Professor at Webster University (collaborates w/Steve Ellner) [St. Louis] 
                              Edward Ellis – Professor at Universidad de los Andes and Global Exchange coordinator [Merida] 
                              Elizabeth Nuñez – The Associated Press [Ccs] 
                              George Ciccariello-Maher – Ph.D. candidate in political theory at UC Berkeley [Ccs] 
                              Global Exchange – Medea Benjamin (lots of money involved here) [San Francisco] 
                              Granma International – Cuba 
                              Green Left Weekly – Comrades Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter [Australia] 
                              Greg Palast – UK [BBC / Guardian] 
                              Gregory Wilpert – Runs (unofficial top-level English disinfo website) [Ccs] 
                              Gringo in Venezuela – A naïve Chris Carlsson studying in Mérida 
                              In Defense of Marxism – Comrade Alan Woods (high-level indoctrinator) [UK] 
                              Inter Press Service (IPS) – Humberto Márquez [Ccs] 
                              International Action Center (IAC) – Ramsey Clark [DC] 
                              International Hands Off Venezuela (HOV) – Comrade Jorge Martin [UK] 
                              Latin America News Review (LANR) – Comrade Justin Delacour (disinfo blogger) [NM] 
                              Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) – DC 
                              Michael A. Lebowitz – Retired Professor of Marxian Economics [Ccs] 
                              New York Bolivarian Circle "Alberto Lovera" – Williams Camacaro 
                              North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) – New York 
                              Oil Wars – Comrade Dan "OW" Burnett (disinfo blogger) [NYC] 
                              Prensa Latina – Cuba 
                              Red Pepper's Venezuela Blog – Pablo Navarrete, Editor (Madison Dialogue) [UK] 
                              Resource Center of the Americas – Irene Rodriguez [MN] 
                              Stephen Lendman – Naïve blogging from the John Hancock Center [Chicago] 
                              Steve Ellner – Professor at Universidad del Oriente [Puerto La Cruz] 
                              Steve Rendall – Senior Analyst for Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) 
                              The Cyber Circle – Comrade Dawn Gable (co-founder Bolivarian Circles official website) [UCSC] 
                              The Narco News Bulletin – The infamous Al Giordano 
                     – Rem Sapojnikov (a Russian in Venezuela) 
                              TransAfrica Forum – Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte [DC] 
                              Trinicenter – Trinidad & Tobago 
                              U.S. Hands Off Venezuela – Cort Greene [MN] 
                              US-Venezuela Bolivarian Exchange – Edward Mercado and Rixio Barrios [Cincinnati] 
                              Venezuela FOIA – Comrade Eva Golinger (high-level Cuban sponsored PR hack) [Ccs] 
                              Venezuela in English (VIE) – José A. Herrera [Maracay] 
                              Venezuela Information Center (VIC) – London Mayor "Red" Ken Livingstone [UK] 
                              Venezuela News Bulletin – Professor Franz J.T. Lee [Mérida] 
                              Venezuela Solidarity Conference – Shari Geistfeld (Macalester College) [MN] 
                              Venezuela Solidarity Network (VSN) – Chuck Kaufman (key US media alerter) [DC] 
                              Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (VSC) – Andy Goodall [UK] 
                              Venezuela-Info – Germany 
                              VHeadline – Roy S. Carson (onetime Web King now dethroned) [UK]  
                              Wikipedia – Venezuela 
                              ZNet – USA 

                        Teodoro Petkoff coined the term "PSF" for Pendejos Sin Fronteras which stands for
                        "Fools Without Frontiers," to describe the activities of foreigners who support Chávez.
                        Pendejo can also mean "idiot," "jerk," or "asshole."


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