From: Patrick Bond (pbond@MAIL.NGO.ZA)
Date: Sun Jan 28 2007 - 11:23:44 EST
(Apologies for x-posts.) A tribute to the late Guy Mhone was launched this week at the International Development Economics Associates meetings following the World Social Forum in Nairobi, by Thandika Mkandawire (UNRISD, Geneva) and Jayati Ghosh (JNU, New Delhi). Free download from BEYOND ENCLAVITY IN AFRICAN ECONOMIES: THE ENDURING WORK OF GUY MHONE Edited by Patrick Bond for the IDEAs Conference in memory of Guy Mhone: Sustainable Employment Generation in Developing Countries 25-27 January, Nairobi GUY MHONE (1943-2005) was the leading economist to have worked across post-colonial Southern Africa. His employers included the International Labour Organisation in Lusaka, Harare and Maseru, the Southern African Political Economic Series Trust, the South African Department of Labour, and the University of the Witwatersrand; his heart and labours were largely for the benefit of progressive civil society organisations, especially organised labour. Mhone�s books included The Political Economy of a Dual Labour Market in Africa (1982); Malawi at the Crossroads (edited, 1992); The Case for Sustainable Development in Zimbabwe (coauthored, 1992); and The Informal Sector in Southern Africa (1997). Sponsors: The University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil Society, International Development Economics Associates, the Wits University Graduate School of Public and Development Management and the University of Nairobi Institute for Development Studies and Department of Economics Financial support: Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa and ActionAid Malawi CONTENTS 1) Guy Mhone�s Life - Patrick Bond 2) Labour Market Discrimination and its Aftermath - Guy Mhone 3) Enclavity - Adebayo Olukoshi 4) Guy Mhone at Work - Judica Amri-Makhetha 5) Guy Mhone as Mentor � Omano Edigheji 6) Guy Mhone as Teacher � Tawanda Mutasah 7) Personal Reflections on Guy Mhone - Thandika Mkandawire 8) Honouring the Memory of Guy Mhone - Codesria CONTRIBUTORS Judica Amri-Makhetha is Director of the International Labour Office for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland, based in Pretoria. Patrick Bond is Director of the Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban. Omano Edigheji is Research Director at the Centre for Policy Studies in Johannesburg. Thandika Mkandawire is Director of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development in Geneva. Tawanda Mutasah is Director of the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa in Johannesburg. Adebayo Olukoshi is Director of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, Dakar.
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