Re: [OPE-L] Wolfowitz's world: easy easy money not so easy, chicks not for free

From: Patrick Bond (pbond@MAIL.NGO.ZA)
Date: Fri Apr 13 2007 - 12:52:56 EDT

So why would the WB put a 'communications advisor' into State,
regardless of the pay grade and nepotism involved? What do we learn
about imperialism and the autonomy of the financial wing of the
bourgeoisie's exec. committee?

Jurriaan Bendien wrote:
> Wolfowitz Apologizes For 'Mistake'
> ...
> In fact, Riza was turned down twice for promotion to level GH by the
> Communications Network Sector Board (Comnet), the appropriate authorizing
> body. Comnet found that Riza lacked the professional qualifications
> necessary for a GH level position as a Communications Adviser. She was
> therefore not shortlisted for the position.
> Nonetheless, on September 19, 2005, Riza was promoted
> non-competitively to
> Principal Communications Officer as part of her External Assignment - a
> decision supported by the President of the Bank. When transferred, she
> had
> no professional qualification for a GH Level position in the
> Communications
> area, which was why Comnet rejected her application for promotion
> twice. The
> title she was given as GH Level, Principal Communications Officer, is
> held
> by only one person in Comnet: Shaha Riza.

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