[OPE-L] CFP, Overviews of Post-Neoclassical Developments in Economics

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Sun Dec 30 2007 - 20:35:35 EST

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

> Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 08:53:29 -0500
> From:
> Subject: [URPE] CfP Overviews of
Post-Neoclassical Developments in Economics
> On
the same weekend that the Canadian Economics Association will be
> meeting in Vancouver this June, the Society for Socialist Studies
> be meeting as part of Congress (June 4 to 8, 2008).
This is unusual and
> I'd like to take advantage of it. I am
trying to arrange a session for
> the Society that surveys
theoretical developments in economics since the
> end of the
neoclassical synthesis. I am hoping for relatively brief (c.
> 20 minutes), high-level overviews of new approaches (e.g.,
> economics, computation & complexity), new
developments in the
> theorization of major actors (e.g.,
the Individual, the Firm) or of
> major traditional areas
(e.g., welfare economics, labour economics).
> Given the
Society's focus, accounts that consider developments within
> both mainstream *and* heterodox theories, perhaps showing points
> convergence and increasing divergence, would be
particularly valuable.
> Expressions of interest
(name, contact info, proposed topic) should be
> sent to
chris.borst@utoronto.ca by January 15, 2008.
More information about the Society is available at
http://www.socialiststudies.ca. To give a little more information
> this proposed session, the draft abstract for the
session (circulated
> with the Society's Call for Papers) is
included below.
> Thanks,
> Chris Borst
> *Session Title:* Recent Developments in Economics:
Mainstreams and
> Heterodoxies
> Many left-inclined scholars have
abandoned the study of economics on the
> grounds that it is
a falsely technical mask for straightforwardly
> right-wing,
anti-democratic ideology. As a result, few are aware of the
> startling transformation economics has undergone over the last two
> three decades, a transformation that should be of great
interest to
> socialist scholars. Mainstream and heterodox
theories are interacting
> more than they have in over half
a century. The "perfectly competitive"
neoclassical image of yore has given way to a complex picture of
> with identities, incomplete, interdependent and
endogenous preferences,
> and limited knowledge and
"rationality", interacting in pervasively
incomplete markets suffused with transaction costs, rents,
externalities, information asymmetries, bargaining, and
> returns, relying on heuristic
"rules-of-thumb", conventions,
> institutions, and
"path dependent" (historical) outcomes to make what
> decisions they can, without any expectation those decisions are
> individually or socially "optimal". In
short -- something like the
> economy we actually know.
> Submissions are invited that provide overviews of
major recent
> developments in any area of economics, with
special attention to the
> consequences of such developments
for our overall understanding of
> existing economies and
the possibilities for more democratic ones.

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