Re: [OPE-L] glossary for V1 of _Capital

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: Tue Jan 08 2008 - 07:43:16 EST

> I am not sure how the various terms you propose fit the case where C
> increases but V does not. If I have you right, you distinguish between
> 'accumulation' which involves increase of C and V and 'accumulation of
> capital', which involves increase of C without increase of V, due to
> either getting workers to work longer hours on more means of production
> ('production of absolute surplus value') or getting fewer workers to work
> on more productive means of production ('production of relative surplus
> value') so that the organic composition of capital increases or the
> 'materialized composition of capital increases'. Is this what you mean to
> say/
> Cheers,
> Ian

Ian, no.

I don't distinguish between two types of 'accumulation of capital', but
rather only one centered around an increase of the proletariat.  I am not
interested in a concept involving c/v increasing conditional upon v
constant.  If we want to discuss c/v changing, then we discuss it.  The
deeper point is to have 'accumulation of capital' have a content which
focuses upon the working class.  This is more substantive than using
'accumulation of capital' thrown all over as a sort of high-sounding phrase
pretty much meaning 'capitalism'.

I believe this is consistent with the Marx's deeper intent, but there is a
certain ambiguity in his language which I address.

Hope this helps, Paul

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