Re: [OPE] Marx and Darwin: A Myth Exposed

From: David Laibman (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2008 - 12:17:56 EST

Hey, I'm glad to have one of my old myths debunked.  But it says 
something, doesn't it, that a group calling itself "Friends of Charles 
Darwin" would be anxious to bust this particular myth!  From my point of 
view, any *true* friend of Darwin would be sorry to see it go!
   In solidarity,

Gerald Levy wrote:
> The following page - written by the "Friends of Charles Darwin" -
> exposes as myth the belief  that Marx asked Darwin if he could
> dedicate  _Capital_ to him.  Edward Aveling, it seems, asked
> Darwin (who declined the offer) if he could dedicate
> _The Student's Darwin_ to him.  Somehow that got twisted into the
> myth about Marx.
> <>
> Perhaps there should be a link to this at the "Marx Myth and Legends"
> <>  site?
> btw, are any Marxians planning events to commemorate the
> 200th birthday of Darwin on February 12, 2009?
> In solidarity, Jerry
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