RE: [OPE] web resources?

Date: Wed Mar 05 2008 - 13:23:24 EST

Hi Paul A:
Did someone mention the URPE website?  If you go
to and look on the left-hand
side of the page, you will see a section called "Tools
for Teaching Heterodox Economics".  Many of those
resources can be used in non-economic classes, e.g.
the articles in the sections "Political Economy of Oil,
Natural resources, and the Military" and "FTAA". 
"Dollars and Sense" also has some articles on current events
- note that there is a link to it in same section of the URPE 
page. There is also a section on the "Iran Crisis" which has 
links to valuable articles.  Unfortunately, not all of these
pages have been updated recently.
Are there any specific topics that you are looking for 
web resources on?
In solidarity, Jerry

ope mailing list

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