[OPE] A conference on the Grundrisse at the University of Bergamo, July 2008

From: Riccardo Bellofiore (riccardo.bellofiore@unibg.it)
Date: Mon May 12 2008 - 05:34:02 EDT

Dear Jerry, and dear OPE-L members,

below you find the preliminary information about 
a conference I am organising in Bergamo next 
July. The conference will being July 15th at 
14.00 and will end the evening of July 18th.
Please, distribute widely and through all the 
lists which all of you may think can be 
interested. The attendance to the conference is 
free. I plan to have a web page no later than end 
of May. I'll comunicate the url to all of you 
asap. A more detailed programme will be 
distributed in June.



Reading the Grundrisse
July 15th- 18th, 2008
Aula 3, Via Salvecchio 19
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Bergamo Upper Town

Howard Engelskirchen (Iowa State University, USA)
The Grundrisse's Grundbestimmung: Form 
Determination and the Concept of Capital in 

Andrew Brown (Leeds University Business School, UK)
Materialism, Spinozism and Dialectics: E.V. 
Ilyenkov on why 'material production' is the 
'object before us' at the outset of Marx's 

Patrick Murray (Creighton University, Omaha, USA)
The Development of Marx's Value-Form Theory in 
the Grundrisse: Reflections on Backhaus

Martha Campbell (SUNY Postdam, USA)
Marx's Transition from Simple Circulation to 
Capital: A Comparison of the Grundrisse, Urtext 
and Capital, Volume 1

Christopher J. Arthur (University of Sussex, UK)
The practical truth of abstract labour

Massimiliano Tomba (University of Padua, Italy)
Pre-Capitalistic Forms of Production and 
Primitive Accumulation. Marx's Historiography 
from the Grundrisse to Capital

Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College, USA)
The Whole and the Parts. The Beginning of Marx's 
Theory of the Distribution of Surplus-Value in 
the Grundrisse

Tony Smith (Iowa State University, USA)
The Role of the General Intellect in Marx's Grundrisse and Beyond

Geert Reuten (University of Amsterdam, The 
Netherlands) & Peter Thomas (Historical 
From the 'fall of the rate of profit' in the 
Grundrisse to the cyclical development of the 
profit rate in Capital: a fundamental change in 
Marx's notion of the capitalist mode of 

Roberto Fineschi (University of Siena, Italy)
Can we consider the Grundrisse the dialectically most developed version of
Marx's theory of Capital?

Riccardo Bellofiore (University of Bergamo, Italy)
The Grundrisse after Capital, or how to re-read Marx backwards

The Conference is part of the Bergamo Unit 
activities for the Inter-University Research 
Program "Issues of German Classical Philosophy: 
Edition of Text and Critical Studies" 2006 PRIN 
(funded by The Italian Ministry of University), 
for which Mario Cingoli is the National 
Coordinator and Riccardo Bellofiore is the Local 
Coordinator. It is also part of the activities of 
the International Symposium on Marxian Theory 

Riccardo Bellofiore
Email address: riccardo.bellofiore@unibg.it

Secretary of the Conference
Simona Locatelli
Email address: eventidse@unibg.it

Free Attendance to the Conference

If you would like to receive any furher 
information on the International Conference 
Reading the Grundrisse you can send an email  to 
the Secretary of the Conference Simona Locatelli 
and to the organiser


Bergamo is in Northern Italy, 50 Kms north-east 
of Milan, on the way to Lake Garda and Venice. 
Thanks to its international airport: (sometimes 
advertised as 'Milan-Orio al Serio', or 
Bergamo can be reached by low-cost flights from 
many European cities, like London (London 
Standsted and Luton), Paris (Beauvais), Amsterdam 
(Schipol), Berlin (Tegel), Frankfurt (Hahn).

Further information on how to reach Bergamo may be found at


Details about accomodation in Bergamo may be 
found at 

Riccardo Bellofiore
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
"Hyman P. Minsky"
Università di Bergamo
Via dei Caniana 2
I-24127 Bergamo, Italy
e-mail:   riccardo.bellofiore@unibg.it
direct	  +39-035-2052545
fax:	  +39 035 2052549
homepage: http://www.unibg.it/pers/?riccardo.bellofiore
ope mailing list

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