Re: [OPE] II-Socialist Cybernetics in Allende’s Chile.

From: Dave Zachariah (
Date: Wed Jun 04 2008 - 12:18:47 EDT

on 2008-06-04 17:56 GERALD LEVY wrote:
>     Putting aside the question of market socialism for the moment, my
>     reservation
>     about having an "Opsroom" is that it is a part of a hierarchical
>     structure in
>     which the "planners" have a high degree of control over the
>     process. Instead
>     of thinking of an Opsroom model of decision-making, I think we
>     should be thinking
>     of a more decentralized model in which workers themselves have 
>     direct control over
>     the process. Advances in information technology (including the
>     diffusion of
>     personal computers, Internet access, and cell phones) make this
>     possible now in
>     a way which was beyond the capability of Chilean society under the
>     UP government.

Medium to long-term macroeconomic planning has to be a process of 
centralized decision-making. Of course, those decisions need not be 
taken in a small "Opsroom".

//Dave Z
ope mailing list

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