SV: [OPE] Swedish surveillance law passed

From: Martin Kragh (
Date: Wed Jun 25 2008 - 07:55:57 EDT

Hi Jerry,

It is true that the seed of the surveillance law was originally planted by the Social Democrats, but it was the conservative-liberal government now in majority that pushed this legislation through parliament. But yes, many Social Democrats are pro, even though they actually voted against the law due to party politics. But obviously, if you have nothing to hide, you also have nothing to worry about. This law is meant to curb men with big beards, Russian oligarchs and Stalinists. And occasionally, employees at IKEA in Russia, as was recently leaked by employees at the FRA.    


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: [] För Gerald Levy
Skickat: den 25 juni 2008 13:35
Till: Outline on Political Economy mailing list
Ämne: Re: [OPE] Swedish surveillance law passed

subtitle: "Social Democracy in Practice".

In solidarity, Jerry
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