From: Alejandro Valle Baeza <>
Date: Mon Sep 15 2008 - 19:12:59 EDT

Paul Cockshott escribió:
> Sounds exemplary democracy
> Paul Cockshott
> Dept of Computing Science
> University of Glasgow
> +44 141 330 1629
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of
> Sent: Mon 9/15/2008 2:21 PM
> To:
> We have had off-list discussions over a period of many months about a
> change in the structure, composition, and praxis of list administration.
> Over that time, several listmembers have offered feedback and helped to
> shape this proposal - including Alejandro VB, Allin, Paul C, and myself
> (the original author of the proposal). We can still make changes in this
> procedure (after all, it is a *proposal*, not simply an announcement) if
> the list as a whole wishes. As indicated below, this is an experiment. We
> think it is a very exciting one.
> In solidarity, Jerry
> ========================================================================
> General:
> The following proposed change in list administration is basically an
> attempt to have a more *directly* democratic administrative structure.
> It is an experiment in the "wisdom of crowds" model of governance and
> will allow us to *practice* direct democracy. No other Internet mailing
> list - to our knowledge - currently has such a democratic decision-making
> structure.
> Specifics:
> 1. Change name from 'Advisory Committee' to 'Administrative Committee' (AC).
> 2. The AC will consist of five (5) members. This number was selected to
> fulfill two competing goals: 1. the AC shouldn't be so large that it
> lengthens the time required to reach decisions too much; and 2. the
> increase in size of the AC will be needed for the AC to be sufficiently
> representative of the 'crowd'.
> 3. The term of office will be two (2) years. No member of the AC will be
> asked to serve two consecutive terms on the AC. This will allow us to
> bring the largest number of listmembers into list administration and at
> the same time not be too much of a burden for any single member.
> 4. All of the current listmembers who have written a post in the
> last year (as of 12/01/08 date) will be put into a 'pool' of possible AC
> members. This 'pool' will include those who had messages forwarded by the
> list coordinator who attempted to post but weren't able to because of
> technical problems. Any other member can add themselves to the 'pool' by
> writing a post on any subject before the cut-off date (12/01/08).
> 5. A computer program will *randomly rank* all of the members in the 'pool'.
> 6. Ask, beginning with the #1 ranked person, each individual to become
> part of the AC. Keep asking until all of the five (5) positions are filled.
> Of course, some are going to decline for various reasons (health, work,
> family, etc.). We would ask, though, that listmembers give very serious
> consideration to such a request since for this experiment to work the
> actual amuount of members who are willing to serve on the AC must be
> sufficiently large.
> 7. As for AC decision-making, the following will apply:
> a. decision-making will be by majority vote.
> b. the list coordinator will have voice but no vote except in cases of a
> tie.
> c. The new AC will review existing administrative policies and make
> changes as desired.
> d. The new AC will periodically report back decisions to the entire list
> in the event of a proposed change in list policies.
I agree with Paul.

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Received on Mon Sep 15 19:15:10 2008

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