Re: [OPE] Venezuela and the right-wing opponents of democracy

From: Alejandro Agafonow <>
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 03:08:21 EDT

1) Jerry: "Then you shouldn't use expressions like "left-wing dictatorship". should you?" I referred to Castro and Cuba when using the expression “left-wing dictatorship”, not Venezuela. 2) Jerry: "It might help if a proposal made by Marx and Engels in _The Communist Manifesto_ was made the official policy in Venezuela: "confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels"."   Of course I disagree. Socialism has a lot to do concerning the revision of its ideas about property. Fortunately some avan-garde currents started to do so.   3) Jerry: "Even Jimmy Carter said the elections were fair and free, didn't he?"   Yes, but the Center Carter only certifies elections in a specific point of the time, that when the ballot is carried out. I think that UNDP’s index of democracy has a broader perspective considering the handicaps in a longer period of time.   Nevertheless, the more serious and plain threaten to democracy under Chávez is the recent ban of opposition leaders.   Regards,A. Agafonow ----- Mensaje original ---- De: GERALD LEVY <> Para: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <> Enviado: jueves, 25 de septiembre, 2008 15:39:17 Asunto: RE: [OPE] Venezuela and the right-wing opponents of democracy > Venezuela doesn’t have a dictatorship… yet. Hi Alejandro: Then you shouldn't use expressions like "left-wing dictatorship". should you? I agree that it is legitimate to fear the coming of a dictatorship in Venezuela - after all, wasn't it just last week that 'opposition' military officers were caught planning the assassination of Chavez? Then, there was the experience of the 2002 coup which - had it been successful - would have _surely_ brought into power a brutal dictatorship. In the presence of such threats (not merely to Chavez and the Bolivarians but to the nation - especially the working class and the poor) one has to be on-guard, vigilent, and resolute. If there is a failing of Chave in this regard, it is that he has been _too_ accomodating to the opposition - in the name of 'forgiveness' and national reconciliation.  _Surely_, you would agree with that policy as a deterrant? Yes? >  But it certainly stops to fully fulfill the minimal elements that define > an electoral democracy: 1) right to vote, 2) fair elections, 3) free elections > and 4) elected public offices. When does Venezuela stop to fulfill these > requirements? Even Jimmy Carter said the elections were fair and free, didn't he? All of the chatter about lack of democracy is disingenuous, imo: had the opposition won the election, _then_ they would have said it was fair, but they denounced it as 'undemocratic' _simply_  because they lost.  _Please_ understand this - the opposition is _not_  democratic! They want to _overthrow_ democracy!!!  This was _proven_ in the 2002 coup and in their actions (including, illegal plots) since. > This minimal definition of “electoral democracy” has to be the departure for > Socialists, and build upon it more complex models of economic democracy. The "minimal definition" of democracy for socialists must be majority rule. This means (since they are the overwhelming majority) that the working class and the poor must rule. In solidarity, Jerry _______________________________________________ ope mailing list

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Received on Fri Sep 26 03:15:50 2008

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