Re: 회신: [OPE] What about the French-Revolution Human-Bourgeois Right od Property?

From: Alejandro Agafonow <>
Date: Mon Sep 29 2008 - 15:16:42 EDT

According to the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” as part of the International Bill of Human Right, there some core provisions. Neither of them include “private property”, so I emphatically disagree with Chai-On.,_Social_and_Cultural_Rights#Core_provisions 1) Principle of progressive realisation 2) Labour rights 3) The right to social security 4) The right to family life 5) The right to an adequate standard of living 6) The right to health 7) The right to education 8) The right to participation in cultural life   Regards,A. Agafonow ----- Mensaje original ---- De: 이채언 <> Para: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <> Enviado: sábado, 27 de septiembre, 2008 5:27:08 Asunto: 회신: [OPE] What about the French-Revolution Human-Bourgeois Right od Property? Diego & Alejandro,   From the western viewpoint, it is taken for granted that human rights can only come from private property ownership. That is, without private property, we have no human rights. They say, Chavez is evil only because he confiscates the private properties. Only if he guaranteed the private property ownership, nobody would criticize Chavez as he is good enough in other aspects. This should be our starting point, I think. As for me, however, he is still a nice guy since he is well aware that the private property is evil and hypocratic. Someone may be arrested or expelled if he or she is a criminal, which cannot be a problem at all.  Cheers.   Chai-On []이(가) Diego Guerrero [] 대신 보냄 보낸 날짜: 2008년 9월 27일 토요일 오전 1:07 받는 사람: Outline on Political Economy mailing list 제목: [OPE] What about the French-Revolution Human-Bourgeois Right od Property? Allegory:   There are two kinds of critics of, say, Fidel Castro: 1) Those who             a) want the properties to come back to the old private owners (MARKET owners); and             b) criticize Castro   2) Those who (I among them)             a) DON'T want the properties to come back to the old private owners (MARKET owners); and             b) criticize Castro   Ask Alejandro wheter he belongs to either 1) or 2).   Cheers, Diego

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Received on Mon Sep 29 15:26:07 2008

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