My paper entitled "Has the Okishio theorem been refuted?" is now available as an online early article of Metroeconomica.
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/121452763/PDFSTART It tries to give a comprehensive critique of the TSSI's alleged refutation of the Okishio theorem.
If anyone who cannot access Metroeconomica site wants to read it, I can send him/her a copy.
Dong-Min Rieu
Dong-Min Rieu
Dept. of Economics
Chungnam National University
220 Kung-dong, Taejon, Korea(s.)
voice) +82-42-821-5522
fax) +82-42-821-8998
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Received on Wed Oct 15 21:55:11 2008