[OPE] Heinz Dieterich's General Program for Transition Towards XXI Century Socialism in Latin America

From: <glevy@pratt.edu>
Date: Tue Oct 21 2008 - 14:20:50 EDT

Original is in Spanish. See link below. This translation is a bit rough
generated, I suspect).  Comments?

solidarity, Jerry

General Programs of Transition toward
the Political Economy of the
Socialism of the XXI Century in Latin

Heinz Dieterich - http://www.aporrea.org

11/10/08 - http://www.aporrea.org/ideologia/a65432.html
1. Scientific world vanguard and Latin American movements

Before the world new crisis of the market (chrematistic)
economy, the
social movements of the Regional Block of being Able to
Popular Latin
American (BRPP), the scientific Schools of Scientists
for to Socialist
Political Economy (SSPE), and aporrea.org, met in
Caracas, the days
October 8-10, to give to know the General Program
of Transition toward
the Political Economy of the Socialism of the
XXI Century in Latin America.

We consider that the time has
arrived to not traffic in gradual and
democratic form toward an
economy based on the market, the price,
neither in the gain. The
construction of the economic new
institucionalidad is imperious and
it cannot be postponed more.

2. Of the theoretical science to
the applied science

The scientific theory of the Socialism of
the XXI Century has reached
such a development grade and maturity
that he/she can and it should pass
from the theoretical level to the
level of the applied science. The
method of the science to take that
step is the studies pilots. Our
General Program of Transition
concretiza with 17 measures, consensuadas
with the Latin American
movements of BRPP and sectors of the scientific
world vanguard,
among them the mathematicians, physical, econometristas
economists: Paul Cockshott, Raimundo Franco, Allin Cottrell, Klaus
Bartsch and Heinz Dieterich, that step toward the applied science.

3. Fellows and steps of the transition

We chose to
Latin America like geographical place of our meeting for:
to) the
high grade of conscience of their social movements and, b) the
expressed will of the presidents Hugo Chávez, Rafael Belt, Evo
and Fernando Lugo, of advancing toward the participatory
Democracy of
the XXI Century.

Although this cooperation
among BRPP, SSPE, aporrea.org and multiple
other organizations, it
is an initiative from the towns and the
scientific community, we are
fully convinced that alone the alliance
among the towns, the science
and the state progressive sectors, it can
create the democratic
future that the Big Homeland and the whole world

We go to retroalimentar and to deepen the General Program of Transition

in our international following congresses, "The towns with the
build the Socialism of the XXI" Century that you/they
will take place in
the State Lara, Venezuela, of the 5 at December
7, 2008, and in
Remove-Guayaquil, Ecuador, in May of the 2009. The
incoming week we will
explain with more detail some of the 17
measures of the General Program.
You sobreentiende that we invite to
tod@s l@s interesad@s and
comprometid@s with the Socialism of the
XXI Century, in the debate of
this programmatic proposal.

It programs General of Transition toward the Political Economy of
the one

Socialism of the XXI Century in Latin America

1. General objective of the Transition

general objective of the chrematistic transition of the current one
of market toward an economy of the participatory democracy, is
democratically an economy planned, able to serve people with justness

and efficiency; with egalitarian distribution of the entrance; the
of the value (time of work) like accounting principle and
calculation of
costs; the democratic decision on "the
form" and the development of the
economy; the combination of
the democratic state planeación with the
support /
development of local initiatives and the cooperation to
international scale.

2. Anti-inflationary politics

1. To determine the value of the currencies according to the working
hours carried out in each national economy.
2. For the information
of the citizens every month the rate of change of
the currency is
published / I work; in Venezuela, for example, Bolívar's
work (value) rate.

3. The inflation comes from internal
inadequate tax revenues, and of
controls of change of foreign
currencies that prevent to the Central
Bank to use the entrance of
external surpluses to absorb the excess of
national currency in
circulation (open market policies). (Measures to
remedy both
problems have been specified in our theoretical works).

Once stabilized the value of the currency this "Hour of the
Work" it
could be renamed.

3. Politics against the

The three big pillars of the exploitation are
Gain, it Produces of the
earth and Interest. To abolish them they
are necessary the following steps.

5. To introduce a system of
accounting of the value (time of work, cheat
inputs) able to
calculate the inputs of time required to produce the
goods and
services of the national economy. This requires the extension
the improvement of the institutions responsible for the gathering
and popularization of the economic national statistics; as well as a
complementation of the accounting standards for public and private
companies that will have to report their balances of use of the time of

work (value).

6. To recognize for law that the work is
the only source of the value,
just as Adam established Smith, David
Ricardo, Karl Marx and John
Maynard Keynes.

7. To give
the workers the right of receiving the total value created by
work. This right should have constitutional range. This doesn't
that the workers will be able to consume all the value that
take place because there will be a necessary deduction to cover
social necessary funds (health, education, new investments, etc.)
Those deductions that could be charged in form of taxes, will be decided

democratically by the citizens.

The measures
"6" and "7", once transformed into law and reality,
eliminate to medium term the gain of the capital.

8. To establish taxes on the landowners in order to capture most of
interest of the rent of the earth.

4. Politics against the

9. To cancel the payment of the illegitimate and illegal
debts. A
general cancellation of illegitimate debts and illegals
should be
political international of the Socialism.

To medium term, the economic politics should put an end to the usury
(the interest on the loans).

5. I Enter Public

11. It is necessary to avoid the mistaken idea that it is sought to
substitute the exploitation deprived by the state exploitation. To
prevent this mistake, the taxes in a socialist country should be voted

by the same citizens. This could be made electronically, being used
wireless telephones with a sure system and reveal that has been

developed in the University of Glasgow (Cockshott and Renauld). The

advantage of this system is that it is not susceptible to
like it happens to the electronic voting via

12. Gradually, it is necessary to subject the
approval of the budgetary
main items by means of that type of
electronic plebiscites that you/they
should be preceded by the
widespread teaching of economic basic
knowledge in the whole

6. Use of scientific methods advanced in benefit
of the planeación and

democratic participation

13. To create a Center of Latin American Studies about the
Economy of the Socialism of the XXI Century.

14. To carry out studies pilots with models of macroeconomic simulation,

for example, LAPROSIM (Long-Term Forecast and Simulation Modell), in

cooperation with national and Latin American authorities, to inform
the majorities on the economic national politics's options and
American. The scientific-ethical use of these models will
introduce the
informative and decisive democracy of the citizens in
the current one
chrematistic of market.

15. To advance
the calculation of sectoral, national coefficients and
Americans of Equivalent Monetary of the Value (Monetary Equivalent
of Labour Time, MELT), in cooperation with national (Central Bank,
Ministry of Finances) authorities and supranacionales (Bank of the
South, ECLAC, SELAM, etc.). This procedure will allow to express the
objective (time of work, cheat inputs) value of the products starting

from its market prices, by means of a mathematical simple operation.

16. Consensuar studies pilot of socialist (of value = inputs
of time)
accounting in the private, state and cooperative companies
willing to
participate in the development of a democratic
participatory economy,
parallelly to the capitalist existent (of
money) accounting.

16. To use the computer technology as tool
of participatory masificación
of the citizenship, just as the
interactive platforms that are being
developed, among other, to
break wind to break wind (p2p) and aporrea.org.

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