[OPE] Additions to Henryk Grossmann Archiv (in German)

From: GERALD LEVY <gerald_a_levy@msn.com>
Date: Mon Dec 01 2008 - 19:24:54 EST

> http://marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/grossmann/index.htm> 20 November 2008: Added to the German Archiv Henryk Grossmann:> > Die Änderung des ursprünglichen Aufbauplans des Marxschen Kapital und > ihre Ursachen (The change of the original plan for Marx’s Capital and > the reasons for it) (1929) (Study of the evolution of Marx’s ideas while > writing Capital rejecting the idea that the work is incomplete even if > it was unfinished)> Fünfzig Jahre Kampf um den Marxismus 1883-1932 (Fifty years of struggle > for Marxism 1883-1932) (1932) (Review of the development of Marxism in > the 50 years after Marx’s death)> Die Goldproduktion im Reproduktionsschema von Marx und Rosa Luxemburg > (Gold production in the reproduction schemes of Marx and Rosa Luxemburg) > (1932) (Resolution of a problem raised by Rosa Luxemburg)> Die Wert-Preis-Transformation bei Marx und das Krisenproblem (The > transformation of values to prices in Marx and the problem of crises) > (1932) (Diescussion of the transformation problem and its relationship > with crises)> [Thanks to Rick Kuhn]
> http://marxists.org/deutsch/archiv/grossmann/1928/xx/anti-sternberg.htm> 16 November 2008: Added to the new German Archiv Henryk Grossmann:> > Eine neue Theorie über Imperialismus und die soziale Revolution (A New > Theory About Imperialism and Social Revolution) (1928) (Critique of > Fritz Sternberg’s Imperialism containing the essence of Grossman’s > recovery of the core of Marx&8217;s economic theory)> [Thanks to Rick Kuhn]

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Received on Mon Dec 1 19:26:42 2008

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