Re: [OPE] letter of support

From: <>
Date: Thu Jan 15 2009 - 03:39:27 EST

 I should have said:

"The letter of support does
not involve any financial commitment. It just needs to be a letter of
good will or moral support, not more than that."




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 9:23
Subject: [OPE] letter of support

Dear All,

my friend Dr. Ismail Siriner and me are preparing an international conference in Turkey on Adam Smith because of the 250th anniversary of the publication of The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The conference is going to take place in co-operation between two Universities in Turkey:

The University of Kocaeli and 18 March University of Canakkale.? We are approaching also some other universities. To acquire money to save the conference we are making application. We are told that institutions in question in Turkey want to see that the conference is supported internationally.? The question is whether there is anybody on the list who can help us to produce letters of support by academic bodies or any academic institution. The letter of support does not involve any financial involvement. It just needs to be a letter of good will or moral support. not more than that. One of our keynote speakers is going to be Paul Cockshott from the University of Glasgow and who is member of our list. Apart from this anybody on list is welcome to make paper proposals to any aspects of Adam Smith's work. Call for papers will be sent to the list soon. I thank you very much for your considerations.

Best, Dogan

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Received on Thu Jan 15 03:41:21 2009

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