RE: [OPE] "Farewell Venezuela!"

From: <>
Date: Mon Feb 16 2009 - 11:20:38 EST

It is a great day for the poor and oppressed of the world and all
progressive forces in the imperialist countries. It is vitally important
that the Latin American revolution gathers pace and the democratic victory
of Chavez is a crucial factor in this process.

Well said Gerry!

David Yaffe

At 15:50 16/02/2009 +0100, you wrote:
>Yes, Alejandro, it might just be "Farewell Venezuela!" for the
>right-wing elite and their masters in Washington, D.C. and Wall Street.
>Yes, it
>is a very bad day indeed for the capitalist class of Venezuela - and the
>international capitalist class - who can see the socialist writing on the
>How can they help but think that when they read the news of the election
>that they are, perhaps, reading their own epitaph?
>What will they do now? Perhaps they will leave Venezuela and form a "Little
>Caracas" in the US just as the wealthy elite fled the people of Cuba
>and created the gusano community in Miami? No. More likely, they - in
>with the CIA - will continue their secret plots against the poor and
>working class
>of Venezuela. They have already attempted a coup once and have shown by
>their treachery that they are capable of anything ... reactionary. The
>people of
>Venezuela must be vigilant against plots and assassination attempts!
>The slogan of the day should be: *expropriate the expropriators!* But,
>this must
>be done in such a way that the elite is not able to first smuggle their
>loot out
>of the country.
>Extending land reform, creation of more workers' councils, socializing
>and wealth, international solidarity, and arming the poor to defend the
>against another coup attempt are some of the next steps which should be
>out to extend and defend the revolution. We, at least, can help with
>Out with the garbage! Say Farewell to the Old Venezuela! Welcome the new,
>socialist Venezuela! Long live 21st Century Socialism!
>In solidarity, Jerry
>ope mailing list

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Received on Mon Feb 16 11:22:42 2009

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