RE: [OPE] Understanding value (reply to Michael Heinrich)

Date: Mon May 04 2009 - 09:13:36 EDT

> Long live my holiday!

Hi Jurriaan:
On that point, at least, we can agree: enjoy your holiday.
Like Paul Lafargue, I am a great believer in "the right to be
lazy". Today (as I reported on Facebook) I would much rather
be attending a birthday party for a 4-year-old friend than
working for capital: part of the meaning of wage slavery
is that we cede control over our lives during working hours
because of the imperative to earn money which is required
for our survival. If I couldn't go to my friend's b-day party
then I'd rather be sailing ... but to work I must go.
In solidarity, Jerry_______________________________________________
ope mailing list
Received on Mon May 4 09:15:23 2009

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