I know that at one time we had a very strong supporter of her as a list member. There may be others who can come to her defence now.
From: ope-bounces@lists.csuchico.edu [ope-bounces@lists.csuchico.edu] On Behalf Of Alejandro Valle Baeza [valle@servidor.unam.mx]
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2010 12:14 AM
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list
Subject: Re: [OPE] Raya Dunayesvskaya (1910 - 1987)
Dave, no I do not have knowledge before this article about
Dunayesvskaya. Just seems interesting to me that a Mexican news paper
published about a Marxist women lived in Mexico and that recently a
book of her was published also.
I translated a few paragraphs of an article of a Mexican leftist, it is
not my opinion. Sorry if it is not clear from my post.
Dave Zachariah escribi�:
> Alejandro, can you point to any strengths in Dunayesvskaya's work? The
> small amount of material that I've come across from so-called
> 'Marxist-humanism' has not been convincing at all, neither theoretically
> nor politically.
n 2010-04-02 19:46, Alejandro Valle Baeza wrote:
> This year is celebrated the centenary of the birth of the theoretic and
> Marxist revolutionary Raya Dunayesvskaya (1910 - 1987), it was
> published recently in Spanish: Philosophy and revolution, of Hegel to
> Sartre and Marx to Mao (Filosof�a y revoluci�n, de Hegel a Sartre y de
> Marx a Mao, M�xico, Siglo XXI, 2009). Ukrainian of birth, Raya settles
> with its family in the United States in 1922; she arrives at Mexico in
> 1937 as secretary of Trotski in Russian language, breaking with him by
> their political divergences with respect to the characterization of the
> Soviet Union: while she thought, mainly after the non-aggression pact
> Hitler-Stalin of 1939, that Russia was not more a Worker's State, the
> founder of the Red Army maintained whenever it was a Worker's State,
> although degenerate. In 1938 she returns to the United States, where she
> carries out an intense political activity and a prolific intellectual
> production, related both to the newspaper News and Letters, expression
> of the current Marxist-humanist who it was founded by the fifties. She
> sustains that originally Marx denominated their new theoretical
> elaborations no materialism nor idealism, but humanism.
> //Dave Z
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-- Alejandro Valle Baeza Posgrado, Fac. Econom�a, UNAM Av. Universidad 3000, M�xico 04510, DF. 56222148 P�gina personal <http://www.paginasprodigy.com/avalleb>: Blog sobre crisis <http://crisis-economica.blogspot.com> _______________________________________________ ope mailing list ope@lists.csuchico.edu https://lists.csuchico.edu/mailman/listinfo/ope The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401 _______________________________________________ ope mailing list ope@lists.csuchico.edu https://lists.csuchico.edu/mailman/listinfo/opeReceived on Sun Apr 4 17:55:33 2010
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