Re: [OPE] Peter Flaschel

From: Paul Cockshott <>
Date: Tue Jun 15 2010 - 17:15:07 EDT

I can understand with the Marx/Keynes/Kalecki integration, it is a long time since I read Schumpeter, but I am surprised that you include him as part of the synthesis. There seems little in common, to my memory, between him and Kalecki forr instance.
From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Flaschel []
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:28 PM
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list
Subject: Re: [OPE] Peter Flaschel

Dear All,
in view of the lines below may I just say that I here follow Richard
Goodwin's MKS system very much in favoring the integration of
Marx-Keynes/Kalecki-Schumpeter where all have to give in a little bit,
but where in the end a theory of the long waves in capitalism may result
(with some monotonic tendencies) with effective demand problems, mass
unemployment due to the distributive cycle, and
invention-innovation-diffusion waves???
The weakest point is in my view however that Keynes accepted that
competitive prices are equal to marginal wage costs. Marx' LTV can be
viewed as the system of National Accounts behind the surface of
competition and therefore does not really depend on the explanation of
the latter.
With best regards, Peter

GERALD LEVY schrieb:
> Paul:
> That's curious. Given your research and interests, as well as the
> conferences that you both attended, you must have just missed each
> other - like two ships without radar passing near each other at
> night in the fog. For instance, you attended the 1997 EEA and IWGVT
> in Washington and Peter attended the 1998 sessions in NYC. Those
> on the list who passed through the New School will probably remember
> that Peter collaborated for many years with my (not so) old mentor
> Willi Semmler. (That's where I met him first but I doubt if he
> remembers....) I'll be curious to see how Peter is able to both present
> a Keynesian macro perspective and yet at the same time be in favor of a
> 'classical' perspective which favors the Marxian labor theory of value.
> This is a most unlikely and unusual marriage!
> In solidarity, Jerry
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