Re: [OPE] winning the battle of democracy

Date: Wed Mar 16 2011 - 08:28:56 EDT

> According to the Cambridge Dictionary one can use the noun “fascist” to
> refer, disapprovingly, to someone who does not allow any opposition,
> ergo, Castro and Gaddafi.

Hi Alejandro:
No reputable historian or social theorist would use the term in that way.
Note, for instance, that leaders (authoritarian figures) which have not
allowed any opposition have existed throughout history but fascism is
a modern phenomenon (which began in the 20th Century) and has a more
specific historical and social meaning.
Look up the word 'demand' in the same dictionary and see the multiple
definitions. But within economics it has a specific meaning. You
should also be aware that there are other meanings and definitions of
democracy than the one which you use.
In solidarity, Jerry
ope mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 16 08:29:47 2011

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