[OPE-L:134] Re: "law of value" (was: Marx's goals)

James Devine (JDevine@lmumail.lmu.edu)
Mon, 25 Sep 1995 13:47:26 -0700

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In my long message, I wrote that: 'What then, is the "LoV"? For
me, it's the one expression of the _dialectical method_ that Marx
applies in CAPITAL.'

This should instead read: 'What then, is the "LoV"? For me, it's
one expression of the _dialectical method_ that Marx applies in

What a difference a word makes!

in ope-l solidarity,

Jim Devine jdevine@lmumail.lmu.edu
Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ., Los Angeles, CA 90045-2699 USA
310/338-2948 (daytime, during workweek); FAX: 310/338-1950
"Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way
and let people talk.) -- K. Marx, paraphrasing Dante A.