[OPE-L:4052] Re: New Quiz!: Equalization of Profit Rates

RYU DONG MI (rieudm@kiaeri.co.kr)
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 18:13:01 -0800 (PST)

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Next message: Gerald Levy: "[OPE-L:4053] Equalization of Profit Rates"
Previous message: aramos@aramos.bo: "[OPE-L:4051] Re: New Quiz!: Equalization of Profit Rates"

Dear Andrew :

I think that Alejandro's numerical example in [OPE-L:4051] is the exact
solution that you have. If so, please tell what your point is.
Anyway, the two sector model in your quiz seems to be too simple.
If we want to get some useful results from it, more simplifing or
"risky" assumptions will be needed.

Good luck.