[OPE-L:5892] Historical Materialism issue 1

Gerald Levy (glevy@pratt.edu)
Fri, 26 Dec 1997 12:15:13 -0500 (EST)

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Listmembers may find the following of interest. Note that three OPE-L
members (Tony, Mike L, Fred) have articles in this issue (and Chris
will have an article appear in a future issue)./In solidarity, Jerry

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Historical Materialism <hm@lse.ac.uk>
To: marxjour@ccc.uba.ar
Subject: [OPE-L:5892] (MARX) Historical Materialism issue 1

New from London! The first issue of Historical Materialism is now
available. Issue 1 contains

Ellen Meiksins Wood: 'The non-history of capitalism'
Colin Barker: 'Some reflections on two books by Ellen Wood'
Esther Leslie: 'On making-up and breaking-up: woman and ware, craving
and corpse in Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project'
John Weeks: 'The law of value and the analysis of underdevelopment'
Tony Smith: 'The neoclassical and Marxian theories of technology: a
comparison and critical assessment'
Michael A Lebowitz: 'The silences of Capital'
John Holloway: 'A note on alienation'
Peter Burnham: 'Globalisation: states, markets and class relations'
Fred Moseley: The rate of profit and economic stagnation in the United
States economy'
Matthew Beaumont on Ernst Bloch
Peter Linebaugh on Robin Blackburn
Benno Teschke on Guy Bois

Forthcoming issues will include articles by Geoffrey de Ste Croix on
Democracy and Ancient Greece, Roy Bhaskar on Critical Realism and
Dialectics, Nigel Harris on the State, Chris Arthur on the New
Dialectics, Andrew Chitty on Interconstitutivity, Recht and Social
Relations, Les Levidow on Biotechnology, Simon Clarke on Lenin, John
Roberts on Adorno.

Subscription rate for issues 1 and 2:
Overseas (surface) GBP13 or US$20
Overseas (airmail) GBP16 or US$25

Overseas (surface) GBP38 or US$60
Overseas (airmail) GBP41 or US$65

Cheques, Eurocheques or bank drafts should be made payable to
'Historical Materialism' and drawn in pounds sterling. Please send to

The Editors
Historical Materialism
London School of Economics
Houghton Street

email: hm@lse.ac.uk

NB existing subscribers: issue 1 is being mailed in the last week of
December - thank you for your continuing support.

The Editors
Historical Materialism
London School of Economics
Houghton Street

email: hm@lse.ac.uk