[OPEL:6208] RE: Marx and historical costs

andrew kliman (Andrew_Kliman@CLASSIC.MSN.COM)
Sun, 22 Feb 98 21:49:20 UT

A reply to the PIAF:

From: owner-ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu on behalf of Fred B. Moseley
Sent: Friday, February 20, 1998 2:19 PM
To: OPE list
Subject: Re: Marx and historical costs

Excuse me, Fred, your methodological slip is showing.

You've been using the "never any explicit statement in all of Marx's writing"
response to justify your interpretation against ours.

Yet when we talked about the "revenue" issue, at one point you suddenly came
up with a "third" sense in which Marx uses the term. If there's "never any
explicit statement in all of Marx's writing that he is considering more than
one concept of the rate of profit," I'm also pretty sure there's "never any
explicit statement in all of Marx's writing that he is defining 'revenue' in a
third sense."

So you can't use the "explicit statement" response. Therefore you can't
disqualify my multiple measures of profitability argument by saying that your
evidence is explicit and mine isn't. You'll have to deal with the logical and
conceptual issues, not only Marx's actual words.

Andrew Kliman