[OPE-L:1718] Re: Re: value-form theories and the Uno-school?

Subject: [OPE-L:1718] Re: Re: value-form theories and the Uno-school?
From: Abelardo Mariņa Flores (abmf@prodigy.net.mx)
Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 01:51:59 EST

I agree that, in order to defeat the enemy, we must know him
(thoroughly). The enemy knows us very well.
By the way, who is Christopher Logue? I really liked the poem you
In solidarity,
Abelardo Marina-Flores

Gerald Levy wrote:
> Re Paul C's [OPE-L:1710]:
> > On the other hand we will never understand capitalism unless we approach
> > it from the standpoint of the future communism.
> I think it is idealist to assert that the way we can understand today is
> by comparing it to some ideal standard which has never existed in
> actuality.
> > It is only this which enabled
> > marx to transcend the historically specific and partial presentations put
> > forward by the political ecnomists.
> Certainly, his theory was developed in the context of his being a
> revolutionary socialist - a communist. Yet, there were others socialists
> and anarchists of his time and before who had a "vision" of communism who
> were not able to develop an understanding of capitalism.
> > It strikes me that the value form theorists, with their
> > fixation on capitalism and its surface appearances are again producing the
> > sort of historically limited presentation that he was attacking.
> Before one can understand the future in heaven, one must first
> understand life on earth today (and beforehand).
> Moreover, a certain "fixation" with capital has its advantages. Not only
> is it necessary to comprehend "modern society", but it also is important
> from a revolutionary perspective: "Know thy enemy".
> In solidarity, Jerry
> PS: I am reminded of a poem.
> *Know thy enemy*
> by
> Christopher Logue
> Know thy enemy:
> he does not care what colour you are
> provided you work for him
> *and yet you do!*
> he does not care how much you earn
> provided you earn more for him
> *and yet you do!*
> he does not care who lives in the room at the top
> provided he owns the building
> *and yet you strive!*
> he will let you write against him
> provided you do not act against him
> *and yet you write!*
> he sings the praises of humanity
> but knows machines cost more than men.
> Bargain with him, he laughs, and beats you at it;
> challenge him, and he kills.
> Sooner than loose the things he owns
> he will destroy the world.
> *But as you hasten to be free
> And build your commonwealth
> Do not forget the enemy
> Who lies within yourself*.

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